Limitless Counseling Policy

Valeri Noonan
110 Lorton Ave, Burlingame, CA
 (650) 348-1434   |

1. Confidentiality

Our counseling relationship is totally confidential except under certain contexts:

In addition:

1.  In the context of couples counseling I expect information to be shared between all three of us.  In certain cases, I may ask you to sign a release of information giving me explicit permission to talk about you to the other partner/person. Ultimately, I’m not a “secret keeper” with a couple I’m counseling.

2.  Certain third party payment situations require me to release information as to your treatment.  You may lose complete or partial confidentiality whenever you choose to involve third party payments.

Feel free to ask me to explain any of the above in more detail at any time.

2. Payment

You are expected to pay your agreed upon fee at the beginning of the session.  It’s helpful if your payment is ready to hand to me.   Any payment concerns/bookkeeping issues need to be directed to me.

3. Financial Aid

If you are utilizing financial aid, I will provide upon your request, a previous monthly statement for you to submit so you may be reimbursed.  I don’t work directly with insurance companies.

4. Cancellation policy

24 hours ahead of any cancellation, otherwise you will be charged for the session at your regular fee. Your time slot is reserved exclusively for you. As an on-going client your regular time spot is even held for you weeks in advanced, so earlier notification is greatly appreictaed.  Of course, no fee is charged if you are sick or have a personal emergency and make every effort to contact me. A rescheduled appointment will normally be done for your “regular time slot”.  If your desire something sooner, effort will be made to have that work within existing client commitment.

5. My Emergency Availability

If it is critical or timely that you contact me as soon as possible:

1) During business hours mid-week call me at Limitless Church (650) 348-1434 and state how timely your need is and how to reach you.

In a life threatening emergency, call 911, don’t wait for a call back from me.  Suicide Prevention hotline is: (650) 494-8420; (408) 279-3312 (24 hr.). 

Also, keep in mind that emailed information will be handled with as much confidentially as technically possible, but usually isn’t very time sensitive. Thanks!   

6. Telephone calls

I will charge for phone calls lasting more than approx. 5 minutes at your regular (pro-rated) rate.

7. Reports/Consults/Psychological testing

I do not charge extra for initial, brief phone consults with other professionals but I do charge for extensive or ongoing consultations, written reports and testing.  Of course, fees for these services will be discussed with you beforehand and written permission from you will be secured.